What are some of the things in your life that matter the most? That is a big question. Today’s story is called “What Matters”.
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A Message from the ELO Team.
Hello and welcome to the Second Grade ELO page. The second grade teachers in the county have worked collaboratively to provide these high-quality learning experiences for the students. These lessons allow students to progress toward goals and demonstrate mastery in a unique format. The activities allow students to acquire information that is aligned with their personal interests. Thank you for visiting ELO!
More Daily Lessons
Summer is right around the corner. Do you like camping? This is a fun book about getting out in the great outdoors!
Growth Mindset
Do you know what a growth-mindset is? Have you ever felt afraid to try something new because you don’t know how it will turn out? If so, you are not alone and you might relate to the character in today’s story.
Worms, Worms, Everywhere!
Nature and Outdoor Adventures Yahoo! Today is awesome! Worms, Worms, Everywhere! By the way, we are having grilled worm sandwiches for lunch today.
Outdoor Adventures: Ants, Ants, Everywhere!
Yahoo! Today is awesome! Ants, Ants, Everywhere!
Outdoors Adventures: Water Safety!
Outdoors Adventures-
Water Safety!
Outdoor Adventures: Water, Water, Everywhere
Outdoor Adventures:
Water, Water, Everywhere
Soap and Water
We are all focusing on staying safe during this time. Today’s lesson will remind us of two things that we should be using a lot of these days, soap and water!
Sand is an interesting material. You can pour sand, but it is still a solid! Each individual grain of sand has a shape of its own and keeps that shape. Find out more about sand in today’s lesson.
Solid, Liquid, Gas!
Matter is so exciting! It can be so fun to figure out what state (or form) an object is in. Today we’re going to think about lions, libraries, clouds, games, and dancing! Okay, so dancing isn’t really a form of matter, but you are, and you dance! Go, go!
-Mrs. Newman
States of Matter
States of Matter
States of Matter
Today we start our interesting study of States of Matter! What do you already know about this topic and what do you want to learn more about?
Biographies: Choose your Own
We have only had time to cover a few biographies this week. Today your job is to find someone you want to learn about!
Biographies: Hellen Keller
Today we will learn about Helen Keller. Although she was deaf and blind, she overcame the challenges in her life to help others.
Biographies: Harriet Tubman
Biographies tell us the story of someone’s life. Here is a story about a person who was very courageous. When is a time in your life that you felt brave?
Biographies: Mozart
Yesterday we learned about some artists that were painters. Today, let’s learn about an artist that created music.
Biographies: Pablo Picasso and Henri Matisse
Hello and welcome back to ELO. In 2nd grade we learn about biographies. A biography tells about a person’s life and achievements.
Ahoy 2nd Grade Mateys! Let’s take our study of geography and have some fun today and talk about pirates!
If you could pick somewhere else to live in the world, where would it be?
Would you live in a big city like San Francisco? Or maybe you would like to live on a farm.
Yosemite National Park
We are jumping back into our geography theme today. Geography is the study of Earth’s surface and all its exciting features. People who study geography are called geographers. Today, we are going to check out maps (a geographer’s BFFs) and one of the world’s most famous environments – YOSEMITE! Come on, let’s go! Who knows, maybe you will be a geographer one day!
Happy Exploring!
-Mrs. Newman
Cinco de Mayo
Cinco de Mayo
Welcome back to 2nd Grade ELO. This week we will be studying Geography! You will learn about locations, places and environments.
Brothers and Sisters
We have been talking about families this week. Do you have a brother or sister? Sometimes siblings fight, but your brother or sister may turn out to be your best friend someday!
To some people, a family represents the people we are related to. To others, it is the people who love and support us. A family can be two people or 10+ people. Every family is unique!
This week we are thinking about families. Have you ever
compared and contrasted your daily life with families who lived in the past?
Have you ever wondered what it was like when your grandparents were in 2nd grade?
Pay It Forward
Have you ever heard of Pay It Forward Day? Each year, on April 28th, we are encouraged to perform random acts of kindness for friends, family members, and even total strangers.
Fish, Fish, and more Fish
Fish, Fish, and more Fish – Fish live in bodies of water everywhere. Some in lakes, some in rivers, and some in the ocean. Some are colorful and beautiful. Others, not so much.
Let’s observe some fish at the Monterey Bay Aquarium and then draw our own fish. If you’re up for a challenge, use those fish and other creatures you create to design a marble run.
It is a good day to think about our Firefighters. They are usually the first to arrive to an emergency.
Rock Collection
Hi! I hope your day is going well. A rock collection is an easy thing to start. Today see if you can find a piece of quartz.
Earth Day
Today is the 50th anniversary of Earth Day! This day is dedicated to making our Earth a better place to live.
What can you do to help the Earth?
Hello! Thanks for visiting the ELO activities today! Tomorrow is a big day, EARTH DAY! This week’s 2nd-grade lessons are centered around the wonderful plants and animals on our planet. We hope you enjoy learning about squirrels today!
Animals and Plants – Seashore
Animals and Plants – Seashore
Poetry and Rhyming
Welcome back to ELO and Happy Friday!
We will spend one more day exploring poetry and rhyming.
Did you know that rhyming can make you a better reader?
Listening to poetry can also help you create a mental picture and expand your imagination.
#poetrypower #rhymersarereaders
National Poetry Month
April is National Poetry Month!
Do you like poetry? Some poems are serious, but lots are fun.
You might even be inspired to write your own poetry!
Census 2020
Census Day!
Do you love math and learning about big numbers?
Today you will learn about the census. The census happens every decade to count the number of people living in the nation. Did you know that there are approximately 328.2 million in the United States.
Here’s another big number for you! Did you know that astronomers estimate that there are about 100 thousand million stars in the Milky Way alone? You will do a fun star activity in this lesson.
Have a great day and keep counting!
Understanding Differences and Integrity
Hello! Today we will visit some important topics,
Understanding Differences and Integrity.
In today’s activities you’ll get to make some decisions, and they are not always easy.
Here’s a little saying from Dr. Seuss that you might think about when listening to the story today.
The more you give away the more happy you become.
Why fit in when you were born to stand out?
Dr. Suess