So many things to be curious about when you are on a camping adventure! So many things to notice and so many things to wonder or ask questions about! Today we are going to be curious, just like Curious George!
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A Message from the ELO Team.
Hello and welcome to the Transitional Kindergarten and Kindergarten ELO page. The TK/K teachers in the county have worked collaboratively to provide these high-quality learning experiences for the students. Here you will find a variety of activities that incorporate hands-on, inquiry-based learning. These academic and developmentally appropriate lessons will support children’s learning and interests. Thank you for visiting ELO!
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Backyard Camping
Our camping adventures continue today. What we will be up to in this lesson? Camping is always an adventure and every trip is different. Hope you enjoy today’s lesson!
Have you ever been camping?
If you have, you know camping trips always offer up good outdoor fun. However, you don’t have to travel far to go on a camping adventure-If you can’t leave home, you can always camp out in your yard. or even your bedroom! It just takes some imagination, but it still can be tons of fun!
The largest animal in the deep blue sea is the whale! This magnificent animal can travel many places in its lifetime. Let’s learn more about whales!
A fish that looks like a horse and swims upright, can you think of what this animal is called? This is one of Mrs. Munoz’s favorite sea animals!
Do you know which animal is claimed to be the villian of the sea? Can you take a guess? There are more then 300 species of this animal in the Ocean. This animal is the shark! Let’s learn more about the shark today!
The Deep, Deep Sea
Have you ever been to the ocean before? What kind of animals live in the Ocean? Join Mrs. Munoz today as we explore under the sea.
Worms in the Garden
Have you ever dug around in your garden? What did you find? What lives in the soil? Mrs. Munoz loves to dig in the ground, and find earth worms!
Water Your Garden!
Mrs. Munoz loves to spend time in her garden. Do you have a garden? What do you grow? Do you help water the garden? Let’s learn more about the garden and plants today.
Planting a Garden
Mrs. Munoz, Mrs. Munoz how does your garden grow? With love, and bells, and happiness all in a row. Create your own poem about growing a garden! Enjoy today’s activities about planting a garden, and watching it grow!
In the Dirt
Have you ever gone outside to explore? Have you dug in the ground, to see what kind of animals live in the dirt? Maybe you found a slimy worm or a crawling caterpillar? Why do you think they are in the ground, do they help the garden somehow? Today, you will learn more about gardens! Mrs. Munoz loves to work outside in the garden, especially with her two boys at home. Included are fun activities to do with the whole family!
Hello, my Kindergarten friends! This is Mrs. Munoz’s favorite time of the year! I love the warm weather, the sprouting flowers, and the butterflies fluttering around. Join me as we learn more about plants and gardens this week!
You, as a Butterfly
Mrs. Lane’s students love writing books! Now that you know all about butterflies, you can author and illustrate a book about yourself–if you were a butterfly. This is great writing and reading pratice! You can enjoy reading your book over and over again when it is finished. You can also research butterfly facts and learn something new about these beautiful insects!
The Very Hungry Caterpillar
All kindergarteners love, “The Very Hungry Caterpillar”. Today you will watch a tiny caterpillar grow and change until it becomes a caterpillar. Then, you can create a beautiful butterfly mask to wear as you act out the changing caterpillar. Mrs. Lane will be painting her mask today, too!
Mrs. Lane loves watching the butterflies flutter in the garden in spring. This is the perfect time for a little Life Science! Today, you will learn about the life cycle of butterflies! Get ready for some awesome learning!
More Ladybugs
Hello Kindergarten Friends, Mrs. Munoz loves springtime. Flowers blooming, warm sunshine, and ladybugs on leaves! Can it get any better? Have you ever looked up into a tree, and saw ladybugs on the leaves? Did you know ladybugs eat a tiny bug called an aphid that is on leaves? Let’s learn more about ladybugs and their life cycle today.
Today we are going to learn about Ladybugs! They are such amazing insects, and so helpful to our Earth!
Forces of Motion
Push and Pull are also called Forces of Motion. Today we will learn more about them.
Pushes and Pulls
Well we have been learning a lot about push and pull! Let’s see what else we can discover!
Another way in which objects move, is with a pull. Let’s learn more about the force or motion called a ‘pull’
One of the ways objects move is with a push. Let’s learn more about this force of motion.
Push and Pull
Hello! Mrs. Lewicki is always noticing and wondering. I have been noticing things moving all around me and am wondering how things move. Let’s start learning about how things move.
Community Helpers – Construction Workers
Construction Workers help to build in their communities. Can you think of a time when you saw construction workers at work? What were they building? What tools were they using? Let’s learn more about construction workers. Today, you can be a construction worker as well! Let’s learn how!
Community Helpers – Police
Police Officers serve and portect their community. They uphold the laws, and make sure the citizens of the community are safe! Let’s learn more about police officers.
Community Helpers – Mail Carriers
The post office and mail carriers are very important community helpers. They deliever mail to houses. Mail can be letters, catalogs, or boxes. Mail carriers have to deliver mail throughout the year, and they do not take any days off.
Community Helpers – Nurses and Doctors
A nurse and a doctor helps to keep their communities safe and healthy in many different ways. Nurses and Doctors take care of sick people, and help them to get better. They work in hospitals, doctor’s offices, and schools. Let’s explore the world of being a nurse or a doctor.
Community Helpers – Firefighters
Hello, my friends! I can’t wait to learn about the people that help our community! This weeks lessons were planned by Mrs. Munoz from Sonora Elementary School! There are a variety of community helpers! Firefighters help to protect their communities on a daily basis. Let’s learn more about Firefighters!
Going Green
How can we conserve energy in our households? Can you think of a way? Maybe you have Solar Panels at your house, do you know why? Let’s learn about energy, and going green today! Mrs. Munoz loves to conserve energy at her house, by being responsible and helping to turn off the lights.
Did you know you can help the earth, by reusing your food and paper waste? Mrs. Munoz loves to help Mother Earth by composting. Today we will learn more about what composting is, and how we can build our own compost at home. Let’s all do our part to help our Earth!
Earth Day
Today is Earth Day! We LOVE our planet. Let’s celebrate our beautiful world by taking care of her with some fun learning opportunities from Mrs. Lane!
Hello everyone, Mrs. Lane, here! I love creating art out of recycled materials! Let’s take care of our beautiful planet by recycling reusable items at home. You can even make your own toys!
Water Conservation
Hello my Kindergarten Friends, Mrs. Munoz here. I love learning about the earth and how we can take care of where we live. Let’s learn more about water conservation today!
The Liberty Bell
Mrs. Lane loves music, and bells! So today you will learn about the Liberty Bell. The Liberty Bell is one of America’s symbols of freedom. Let’s learn about the bell’s history today and engineer a bell of our own! Let freedom ring!
The Statue of Liberty
Hello from Mrs. Lane! Today I wanted to teach you about a beauiful lady: The Statue of Liberty. She is sometimes called Lady Liberty and she is one of our American Symbols.
Census 2020
Today we are learning about something important that happens every ten years in the United States of America! The 2020 Census!
We know that counting is VERY important and today you will learn how counting is used in the census.
American Symbols
Do you remember what a patriot is? A patriot is someone who loves their country. Today, you will be listening to informational text in order to learn about the symbols of our country, the United States of America. You may also wish to search for patriotic songs to sing at home on your device. Maybe you want to sing, The Grand Old Flag, Yankee Doodle, America the beautiful or another favorite song.