Take some time to reflect on this past year.
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A Message from the ELO Team.
Welcome to the ELO! Teachers from all over Tuolumne County have created these lessons for you as a way to continue your learning from beyond the classroom. Dig in! Dive deep into what interests you most! Be creative, be safe, and remember to take time to go outside and observe the world around you!
More Daily Lessons
Fail Forward
Having a growth mindset means we learn when we make mistakes!
Field Day!
Let’s get moving on some end of the school year’s physical challenges!
Out In the Garden
Out in the Garden, many people like to grow a vegetable garden. Learn more about gardening in today’s lesson.
Time Travel
What might you see and learn about if you could travel through time?
California: Places and Faces
Explore some of the famous people and places in our state’s history
Memorial Day
What is the meaning behind this holiday?
California Geography: The Pacific Coast
California Geography: The Pacific Coast, explore part of the coast of California with a visit to the Monterey Bay Aquarium.
California’s Geography
California is a state with many different and spectacular geographic regions. Today we will look at the landforms found across our state.
Agriculture and The Great Central Valley
Farms in the central valley of California provide food for people across the state, nation, even the world!
Death Valley
Let’s visit the Desert! Death Valley is amazing! It is the hottest, driest, and lowest place in the United States, and it is full of life!
Geography of California
California is a state with many different and spectacular geographic regions. Today we will look at the landforms found across our state.
STEM Week: Insect Adaptations
“Adaptation is the process whereby a group of organisms becomes better suited to its environment over the course of many generations.” Today you will explore a lesson from the California Academy of Sciences about how insects have adapted to live in different habitats.
STEM Week: Pool Noodle Party
STEM Week: Pool Noodle Party!
Today we are thinking like engineers, using pool noodles!
Animal Adaptations
Critter House
STEM Week: Be a Rocket Scientist
STEM Week: Be a Rocket Scientist! Design and Build a straw rocket that will blast off into space. Have a contest with family members. Who can create the most amazing rocket? Be sure to read the entire activity before you begin building your STRAW ROCKET.
*Download your photos of your finished product to Mrs. Dunlap by May 15
STEM Week: Roller Coasters
Build the ROLLERCOASTER of your dreams. Scroll through the entire activity before starting to help you build an amazing coaster.
Download your photos of your finished product to Mrs. Dunlap by May 15.
Lassen Volcanic National Park
LASSEN VOLCANIC NATIONAL PARK is another California treasure! This place is still geothermally active! Scientists believe the mountain called Mount Lassen, will surely erupt again, perhaps in YOUR OWN LIFETIME!
Food Webs in the Oak Woodlands
Food Webs in the Oak Woodlands
California’s Natural Regions and Architecture
California’s Natural Regions and Architecture
What is the climate like where you live? What kinds of plants and animals live there? What kinds of buildings have humans built to be comfortable in that environment? Explore these questions in this lesson.
Cinco de Mayo
Cinco de Mayo is Spanish for the fifth of May. This date marks an important event in Mexican History.
The Gold Rush
The Gold Rush: How did it change California? California would not have become a state as early as 1850 if not for the Gold Rush. Explore this lesson from Jessica Brouns of Soulsbyville Elementary School to find out more.
Dynamic Earth
Dynamic Earth. Learn how the movement of Earth’s crust causes earthquakes and volcanoes.
Starry, Starry Night
Starry, Starry Night
As the weather warms and the skies clear, we can go outside to appreciate the night skies. What might you see?
What’s Buggin’ You?
What’s Buggin’ You? Can insects be helpful to us? Today, let’s explore some ways insects can help provide food and keep our environment healthy!
Yosemite National Park
YOSEMITE NATIONAL PARK is one of the most beautiful natural places in the world! Every year, millions of people from around the world visit this incredible place. What is so special about it? Well, you may have been to Yosemite before, but have you seen it ALL? Take a virtual field trip to YOSEMITE NATIONAL PARK, and learn something new!
How Places Get Their Names
I wonder where the name Twain Harte came from? Learn how places got their names.
Trash Collector Engineer
Learn about a googly-eyed device that picks up trash on water! Tacy Rowan, Tracy Webster
I Survived!
Take a virtual field trip with the author of the “I Survived” book series. Then read a captivating article on the American Revolution.
Earth Day
It’s Earth Day! Gondola, boat or ladder? Read about how students from other countries get to school. Are the methods you learned about today friendly to our Earth?
Attention Engineers!
Attention Engineers! This one’s for you. Design something inspired by nature. Tracy Rowan, Tracy Webster
Cats or Dogs?
Cats or Dogs? Which do you prefer, and why? Present your opinion in a persuasive essay. Tacy Rowan, Tracy Webster
Domino Designer
Follow a professional domino artist and see how she incorporates rounding numbers into her creations.Tacy Rowan, Tracy Webster
Muddy Obstacle Course
Watch, read about, and tackle measurement math problems regarding kids undertaking a muddy obstacle course! Tracy Rowan, Tracy Webster
Census 2020
Make it count! April 1, 2020, was Census Day, but it’s not too late to be counted!
Innovative Inventions
Read about a clever boy who creates a robot to secretly do his chores.