Take some time to reflect on this past year.
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A Message from the ELO Team.
Welcome to the ELO! Teachers from all over Tuolumne County have created these lessons as a way for you to continue your learning and exploration even though you’re not in the classroom. Look for topics that most interest you, and remember to take time to get outside and play!
More Daily Lessons
Fail Forward
Having a growth mindset means we learn when we make mistakes!
Field Day!
Let’s get moving on some end of the school year’s physical challenges!
In the Garden
Many people plant a garden to grow vegetables at home. Let’s learn more about gardening in today’s lesson.
Time Warp
Explore different times in today’s resources.
Local Places & Faces
Explore some of the people and places in our local community.
Memorial Day
What is the meaning of this holiday?
Making Friends During Tough Times
Making Friends During Tough Times
Let’s have some fun with magnetic forces!
The wind rushing through your hair, the drop in the pit of your stomach – Roller coasters are a part of many people’s summer plans.
Use the Force!
Explore forces, interactions, and even build your own simple machine!
Bot Basics
Everyone likes to have fun and learn about the possibilities robots bring to our world. Enjoy some of the exciting activities we have created for you today.
Going On A Grammar Hunt
Get ready to review your grammar. If you can’t remember what nouns, verbs, adjectives, or pronouns are there is always google. Read the Grammar Hunt directions and get ready to have some fun. Get your family involved to help you brainstorm. Good luck and have fun.
Can’t Touch This! Take some time today to research prickly phenomenons.
Be a Detective
Be A Detective, take some time to look around your neighborhood. Notice things outside. Play I Spy.
Once Upon A Time
Once Upon A Time: Who doesn’t like a good fairy tale? Take some time to find your favorites.
Backyard Fun!
Backyard Fun! Take a “stay-cation” and get outside to explore your own backyard!
Campout With The Family
Campout With The Family! Explore camping out at home with this lesson from Holly Azevedo and Beth McIlroy, from Curtis Creek Elementary School!
Games Are Fun!
Games Are Fun! Learning is fun when we turn it into a game! Adjust your mental mindset and jump into some learning today!
Feeling Grateful
Feeling Grateful
Cinco de Mayo
Cinco de Mayo is Spanish for the fifth of May, and is a special day in Mexican history.
San Diego Zoo
Field Trip to San Diego Zoo Today you will learn more about animals at a the San Diego Zoo in southern California.
My Words
April is National Poetry Month! My Words. One of the most important ideas about poetry is that it is a way to express what YOU think and feel.
April is National Poetry Month! Diamante! Sometimes a poem can be a shape, as well as words.
April is National Poetry Month! Learn about Haiku, a style of poetry from Japan.
What makes a poem?
April is National Poetry Month! What makes a poem? Answering that question can be really tough!
National Poetry Month
April is National Poetry Month! This week we’ll be looking at different kinds of poems and trying our hand at writing them. Make sure to share any poems you write with your teacher!
Yosemite National Park
Explore Yosemite National Park!
Natural Resources
Today you are going to learn all about natural resources found in Earth!
Earth Day
Earth Day!
What are the 5 Gyres?
What are the 5 Gyres? You’ve probably heard that there are islands of plastic in the ocean. But have you heard that there are things kids can do about it? Today we’ll explore the impact of plastic on the ocean and take a look at some young inventors who are working to make our earth a better place! By Stefani Sheffield Sonora Elementary School.
Ocean Animals
Ocean Animals. Today we will learn about what Ocean Scientists do, and experiment with what it would be like to be a Marine Biologist. By Stefani Sheffield, Sonora Elementary School.
Who makes the rules?
Who makes the rules? What do you know about the local government for our county? Who decides on the laws and rules that tell us what we can or cannot do?
Spring Is in the Air
Spring Is in the Air
Census 2020
Make it count! April 1, 2020, was Census Day, but it’s not too late to be counted!
Gratitude. Did you know that studies have shown that finding things to be thankful for can make you feel happier? Today we’ll explore gratitude! By Stefani Sheffield, Sonora Elementary.