Mother’s Day!

Mother’s Day!

1st Grade Mother’s Day! Sunday is Mother’s Day! Today is a great day to think about how your mom or special caregiver takes care of you and helps you. What have you learned from them?What do you like to do together? How can you show them you care? Subjects:...
Pushes and Pulls

Pushes and Pulls

Pushes and Pulls Subjects: Today’s Activities  Push and Pull Let’s load up the wagon. A pull makes it go! Listen to more in Push! Pull! Go!  math Working with and writing numbers in the teens; use the worksheets, be sure to say the numbers the say-ten...
Pet Responsibility

Pet Responsibility

Pet Responsibility Subjects: Today’s Activities  listen/read/write What are some of your responsibilities involved with caring for your pet? What do you think is the hardest thing about caring for a pet? Follow along with the story, Harry the Dirty Dog. read to...
Pet Facts

Pet Facts

1st Grade Pet Facts Do you have any pets at home? Is there a pet you would like to have? Today we are going to learn facts about pets! Subjects: English/Language Arts | History/Social Studies | Mathematics | Physical Education | Science/STEM | VAPA Today’s...


TK/Kindergarten Pull Another way in which objects move, is with a pull. Let's learn more about the force or motion called a 'pull' Subjects: English/Language Arts | History/Social Studies | Mathematics | Science/STEM Today’s Activities fab|fa-readme| Push and...