Pet Facts
Do you have any pets at home? Is there a pet you would like to have? Today we are going to learn facts about pets!

Today’s Activities


What pet would you like to have? If you could have any pet what would you pick? Listen to this book by Dr. Seuss, “What Pet Should I Get?” 

Write a letter to your parents convincing them to get you a pet. If I could have any pet I would have_____because __________. If I own a _______I would need to ___________to take care of it.

telling time

Do you know how to tell time? It is really important to be able to tell time on an analog and digital clock! Can you tell time to the hour and half hour? Watch this video or try this worksheet. Practice ALWAYS helps!


Do you like dogs? Do you want a dog? Here are some cool facts you can learn about dogs? What does it mean to be domesticated?


Do you like cats? Do you have one as a pet? Have fun watching this video and learning about cats! How long do cats and kittens sleep? Now that you’ve learned about cats and dogs, fill out this Venn Diagram to compare their similarities and differences. Which one do you like best?


Want to learn how cats, dogs, and other animals stretch? Do some yoga to help stretch and relax!!


A pet doesn’t have to be a cat or a dog! A turtle makes a great pet too! Learn how to draw a turtle!

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