Pushes and Pulls Subjects: Today’s Activities Push and Pull Let’s load up the wagon. A pull makes it go! Listen to more in Push! Pull! Go! math Working with and writing numbers in the teens; use the worksheets, be sure to say the numbers the say-ten...
Food as Art: The Works of Giuseppe Arcimboldo Subjects: Today’s Activities Engage Giuseppe Arcimboldo (1526 or 1527 – July 11, 1593) was an Italian painter best known for creating imaginative portrait heads made entirely of objects such as fruits, vegetables,...
Myths in Ancient Greece Subjects: Today’s Activities Watch & Write Read one or more of the following myths. Arachne the Weaver The Birth of Hercules Pandora’s Box (video) Talos the First Robot (video) Use this template to guide your creative process and...
Pet Responsibility Subjects: Today’s Activities listen/read/write What are some of your responsibilities involved with caring for your pet? What do you think is the hardest thing about caring for a pet? Follow along with the story, Harry the Dirty Dog. read to...
Communities Subjects: Today’s Activities Communities What kind of community do we live in? Is it an urban, suburban, or rural community? Find out more about these different places to live by watching this video. Spinning Math Did you know that while Earth...