8th Grade Be a Genius (continued) Be a Genius: Take time each day to work on a project that interests you! Become a genius in an area that is important to you. (see infomation from ELO post on April 1) Subjects: English/Language Arts | History/Social Studies |...
High School The Space Race and Scientific Progress An English Lanugage Arts, World History, and Unites States History lesson plan that offers students an opportunity to explore the Space Race in the context of the Cold War. Students use multimedia materials to...
6th Grade Be a Genius Join naturalists from Foothill Horizons for a virtual day at Outdoor School. Virtually climb through the rock caves and learn about erosion. Subjects: English/Language Arts | History/Social Studies | Mathematics | Physical Education |...
2nd Grade Animal Adventures: Biodiversity and Engineering Welcome to ELO! This is a place to look every day you are learning at home to find activities and fun things to try. Subjects: English/Language Arts | History/Social Studies | Mathematics | Science/STEM...
7th Grade Be a Genius Be a Genius: Take time each day to work on a project that interests you! Become a genius in an area that is important to you. Subjects: English/Language Arts | History/Social Studies | Physical Education | VAPA Today’s Activities...