Integrity and Character

Integrity and Character

1st Grade Integrity and Character Welcome to ELO! We are so glad you are here, again, today to check out today's lesson. You will read a story today about integrity, making good choices, and about how important it is to be kind and considerate of others. Subjects:...
If I could save time in a bottle

If I could save time in a bottle

5th Grade If I could save time in a bottle If I could save time in a bottle....Have you ever wondered what people in the future will wonder about this time in history? Today you will be putting together a "time capsule" to capture what you are thinking and feeling...
Super Pink Moon

Super Pink Moon

7th Grade Super Pink Moon There's a Super Pink Moon tonight! Today's lessons are all about the moon. Subjects: English/Language Arts | History/Social Studies | Physical Education | Science/STEM | VAPA Today’s Activities fab|fa-readme| reading it! write it!...
Integrity and Character

Integrity and Character

1st Grade Integrity and Character Welcome to Week 2 of Learning at Home! We are so glad you are here and ready to see what exciting activities ELO has for you this week. Today you will be reading another story about integrity. Integrity means to do the right thing,...
10 Little Lady Bugs

10 Little Lady Bugs

Preschool 10 Little Lady Bugs Subjects: History/Social Studies | Language and Community/Literacy | Motor & Physical Development | Scientific Reasoning | Social Emotional | Writing Today’s Activities fab|fa-readme| 10 little lady bugs Before listening to 10...