Today’s Activities
Integrity and Character: Listen/Watch this story, “The Empty Pot” What kind of contests have you entered before? What rules need to be followed?
Here are the important words in the story: Flowers, seeds, plant, soil, empty, grow, emperor. Pause the story and have your child point out these words after the page has been read. (make sure you have the captions on the video). Ask your child why did Ping win the kingdom (because he was honest/didn’t lie)? What did the other kids do to make their flowers grow?
Have your child listen to the story with you. Pause after each page and ask a simple closed ended question about what was just read. i.e., page 1: What did Ping love? Flowers, pg 2 was he good a planting and growing things? yes, etc. If your child struggles with answering questions, listen to the story and help your child draw a large empty pot on a peice of paper and decorate it by coloring it or gluing items to it.
Talking Math: Day 1
What are Tangrams? Use this worksheet then use your 7 pieces to create the designs. Watch this video to learn more.
Cut out two sets of the shapes from the worksheet. Do a matching game where you make shapes with tangrams that your child has to match. Start with only 2 or 3 tangrams at a time and increase the complexity after your child is able to match you 3 times in a row.
Work on patterns with the tangrams, you can do them alternating in a straight line up/down or across a paper. This may be easier than fitting them together to make a shape.
Watch this BrainPOP video to learn a fold tale from China. Find the location of China on a world map.
Spend sometime outside helping in the yard.
Draw Ping’s Flower Pot from the story. Draw the flower pot of another child in the story. Compare them.
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Answer the 5 Ws about the book “The Empty Pot:”
1. WHO was the main character? Who was the Emporers Successor?
2. WHAT did the Emporer love? What task did he give to the children?
3. WHEN did the Emporer see the children again?
4. WHERE did the children plant their seeds?
5. WHY did the emporer choose his successor?
Additional lessons are available for this grade level by pressing “More Lessons” above, or selecting a lesson below:

Today's ActivitiesDo you enjoy swimming in a pool? Have you ever seen a cow in a swimming pool? This is a fun story about a very optimistic cow that wants to learn how to swim. Do you think he will be able to do it? Listen to this story, “Sink or Swim”. STEM stands...

Outdoor Safety
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Going Camping!
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