1st Grade Farmers Market Today on ELO, we are going to read a story about a Farmer’s Market. The Farmer’s Markets are opening up in our area. I hope you get a chance to go there. Subjects: English/Language Arts | History/Social Studies | Mathematics | Physical...
4th Grade California’s Geography California is a state with many different and spectacular geographic regions. Today we will look at the landforms found across our state. Subjects: English/Language Arts | History/Social Studies | Mathematics | Physical Education |...
1st Grade Saving and Spending Money Today we learn about saving and spending money in the read aloud “Bunny Money” by Rosemary Wells. Subjects: English/Language Arts | Mathematics | Physical Education | Science/STEM | VAPA Today’s Activities fas|fa-headphones|...
8th Grade What Stands in the Way of Your Dreams? Your dream may be to go camping, to be a star on the basketball court, to be class president, or to go to college someday. Whatever it is, hard work and luck can help you fulfill that dream. But, like the narrator of...
Adult Transition Airplanes How Does an Airplane Work? Subjects: English/Language Arts | Exploration | Mathematics | Physical Education Today’s Activities mt|live_tv| Watch Watch this video and learn about Leonardo da Vinci’s flying machines, modern-day...