8th Grade APOLLO 13 Apollo 13 "A Successful Failure". Today, we will learn about another mission which attempted to make it to the moon, but didn’t. Although this mission was not as successful, it is still as interesting as Apollo 11, and the astronauts on the Apollo...


7th Grade APOLLO 13 Apollo 13 "A Successful Failure". Today, we will learn about another mission which attempted to make it to the moon, but didn’t. Although this mission was not as successful, it is still as interesting as Apollo 11, and the astronauts on the Apollo...
20,000 Leagues Under the Sea

20,000 Leagues Under the Sea

8th Grade 20,000 Leagues Under the Sea The writer Jules Verne was a master of science fiction, but we now have the technology and knowledge to understand some of places and topics he wrote his fiction stories about. In 20,000 Leagues Under the Sea, Verne describes a...
Super Pink Moon

Super Pink Moon

8th Grade Super Pink Moon There's a Super Pink Moon tonight! Today's lessons are all about the moon. Subjects: English/Language Arts | Mathematics | Physical Education | Science/STEM | VAPA Today’s Activities fab|fa-readme| Poem reading - writing prompt...
Can We Build It?

Can We Build It?

5th Grade Can We Build It? Can We Build It? Today you will be reading an article about how something is made and then design your own invention! Then practice reading and writing multi-digit numbers. Subjects: English/Language Arts | Mathematics Today’s...