Today’s Activities
Read and Write
Eating right and staying healthy is important, but knowing where food comes from is equally important. How was it grown? How were the animals raised? Read ‘Molly Moo’ to find out about what type of milk, cow’s milk and then answer these questions about the informational text.
Get that fraction kit you made yesterday and get a parent/sibling to play a game. You can play by yourself as well. It is called FRINGO! As you move along in grades, your fraction kit will grow, and the game becomes even more fun to play! Follow these directions on how to play.
What we want and what we need are not the same thing. When we spend money we have to decide if it is a wise and needed choice and with food we have to think if it is a healthy choice as well. Listen to ‘Something Good’ and then do the discussion and writing activity. Then do the needs versus wants sheet. Look at the picture. Is what you see something a person would need or something he would want? You can use this or a blank piece of paper to help you write about it.
Get Moving!
Eating right is important but just is important is exercise to keep your body flexible and strong! Move along with “You are What you Eat” to stretch those muscles and then get you heart rate up with “Good Energy Flow.” Hot Dog and friends show you lots of ways to get your body moving and your energy flowing. Remember stretching and movement are good for you body EVERY day!
Sing it!
Time to learn a couple of songs about needs and wants. Think about those healthy food choices, you need those! Is it okay to want something like a donut? Of course, but choosing what your body needs should be the first choice!
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Today's ActivitiesDo you enjoy swimming in a pool? Have you ever seen a cow in a swimming pool? This is a fun story about a very optimistic cow that wants to learn how to swim. Do you think he will be able to do it? Listen to this story, “Sink or Swim”. STEM stands...

Outdoor Safety
Today's Activities“Do your part, be water smart!” Watch these water safety videos and complete the activity sheets that follow.Before you head outside, watch this video that explains why we have to wear sunscreen and protective clothing. Build a swimming pool...look...

Going Camping!
Today's ActivitiesAs we get ready to venture outside, enjoy this adventure with Scaredy Squirrel as he goes camping. After you listen to Scaredy Squirrel, you can pick a worksheet and answer questions about Scaredy Squirrels camping adventure.While you are relaxing...