Today’s Activities
Let’s start by learning more about the stars in the sky. Find “Stars!Stars!Stars!” by Bob Barner and “Looking Through a Microscope” by Linda Bullock on Day 8. Do the Puzzlers! to test your “star” knowledge.
Play TIC TAC TOE and practice your additions facts to 20. You can print out this template or create your own.
get moving!
Use your imagination. Pretend you are an astronaut who needs to stay fit for space travel. Try this spaced-themed workout from Craters of the Moon National Park.
Now that you have toured the international space station, make your own rocket. Use this template or make your own design with paper and pencil. Color and cut out your rocket. Now you will need two different sized straws. Cut the larger one to about 2 inches long, cover the end with tape, and tape it to the back of your rocket with the covered end pointing towards the nose. Insert the smaller straw into the other straw, point it to the sky, and blow. Blast-Off! You can find the full instructions including a video on this website.
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Today's ActivitiesDo you enjoy swimming in a pool? Have you ever seen a cow in a swimming pool? This is a fun story about a very optimistic cow that wants to learn how to swim. Do you think he will be able to do it? Listen to this story, “Sink or Swim”. STEM stands...

Outdoor Safety
Today's Activities“Do your part, be water smart!” Watch these water safety videos and complete the activity sheets that follow.Before you head outside, watch this video that explains why we have to wear sunscreen and protective clothing. Build a swimming pool...look...

Going Camping!
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