Today’s Activities
IF the video linked is too long or difficult for your student to understand try this video. Help your child do the movements along with the story!
brain teasers
Try these three flower math brain teasers!
If the problems in the first worksheet are too difficult, try this greater than less than work sheet instead.
Do the greater than less than sheet but with help from a parent. Parents: help your child count the flowers in each pot then write the number below. Then ask which has more. You can write the sign in for your child if they cant do the greater than less than sign. These videos may help kids learn the greater than/less than signs:
Farm to Market flowers
Would you like to work on a flower farm? This video is full of interesting facts. If you like, you can use the questions on the handout to take notes when you watch the video.
If the first video is too difficult to follow try watching the first 5 min of this video. Then plant seeds or scraps from a fruit or vegetable you used to cook with with your child in pot or the dirt outside of your home. Water and take a picture every day to track it’s growth. Here is a picture of my green onions growing from scraps I planted last week!
Talking to a plant
Have you ever thought about talking to a plant? The kids in this video helped researchers find out the effects of kind and unkind words on plants. Can you guess what will happen when the kids say kind and unkind words to a plant?
Try this experiment for yourself! But let’s just practice making nice statements! Have your parents pick 2 plants that you are going to help water. When you are watering one of the plants, make nice statements to one plant and don’t say anything to the other one. Take a picture every couple of days and send them to your teacher in an e-mail telling them about your results!
Get your body moving to this video and learn about the parts of a flower at the same time!
Follow these directions to make your own wildflower journal!
If your child is struggling to make their own wildflower journal coloring/drawing, have them collect wild flowers instead. Have them collect 5 different flowers they can find in your backyard or in the neighborhood during a walk. If you want to get really creative you can close them in a heavy book to flatten and dry them out then you can tape them to a page as a different type of wildflower journal.
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Today's ActivitiesDo you enjoy swimming in a pool? Have you ever seen a cow in a swimming pool? This is a fun story about a very optimistic cow that wants to learn how to swim. Do you think he will be able to do it? Listen to this story, “Sink or Swim”. STEM stands...

Outdoor Safety
Today's Activities“Do your part, be water smart!” Watch these water safety videos and complete the activity sheets that follow.Before you head outside, watch this video that explains why we have to wear sunscreen and protective clothing. Build a swimming pool...look...

Going Camping!
Today's ActivitiesAs we get ready to venture outside, enjoy this adventure with Scaredy Squirrel as he goes camping. After you listen to Scaredy Squirrel, you can pick a worksheet and answer questions about Scaredy Squirrels camping adventure.While you are relaxing...