Today’s Activities
Read it!
Read this informational chart about different Native American groups by region. Choose two you find interesting, and compare and contrast them. How are they alike? How are they different?
Read more about Native Americans here.
Try It!
Native American homes differed across the regions of the U.S. In the Southwest Region, adobe was used to construct buildings and homes, many of which are still standing 1,000 years later. It’s a clay that is made by mixing clay with mud, water, sand, or straw, then left out to dry in molds. Roll up your sleeves and make your own adobe or mud bricks! Watch this 5 minute video for ideas on how to build with different mud recipes.
Get moving
create it
In the Northwest Region, the totem pole is a powerful expression of Native American art and heritage. Read a little about totem poles here. Then explore different animal totems and their meanings here. Can you reflect on which ones you feel most connected to?
Then, try this Family Totem Pole art activity or make one digitally here.
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