Today’s Activities
REad it! Write IT!
Read this article from National Geographic Kids to find out some of the ways pollution affects our Earth.
Take Note! The article above lists the following types of pollution that can cause problems for wildlife: plastic, oil, agriculture products, and excess noise and light. Use this note-taking template to copy those four types of pollution and to briefly explain why each is a problem and what someone might do to help (you may need to do some safe internet research for some more information). Be sure to check out these tips for preventing pollution.
Math Solutions
Check out these math problems and see if you can come up with a solution to each problem.
Water Pollution
Watch this BrainPOP episode to find out more about this topic
Warm-up then Out!
Challenge yourself to this warm-up from YMCA 360 before you head outside for some active play time.
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Speech & Language
Focus on figurative language: An idiom is a phrase or expression that has different meaning from the literal meaning. What does on top of the world mean? Discuss the meaning and use it in a sentence with someone in your home.
Additional lessons are available for this grade level by pressing “More Lessons” above, or selecting a lesson below:

Year in Review
Today's ActivitiesThe events you are living through today will be part of history tomorrow. Stories people write about parts of their lives can be used by people in the future to learn about the past. Learn more with this BrainPOP Jr. video. What will your future...

Fail Forward
Today's ActivitiesDiscuss this picture with an adult at home. What do you think it means? Why do you think the illustrator chose an iceberg to represent success? Lookup any of the words under the water, labeled “What People Don’t See,” that you don’t know in a...

Field Day!
Today's ActivitiesWatch “Miss Nelson Has a Field Day” and fill out this story map to describe the plot elements.First, draw a large chalk 10 by 10 grid on the blacktop or sidewalk. Mark the numbers 1 through 10 along the top and down the left side. Get beanbags (or...