Today’s Activities
Happy Earth Day!
Take the Earth Day Quiz to find out how green you are. Explore these tips to help save our planet.
How old is the Earth?
Happy Birthday, Earth! Do you know how old the Earth is? Do you know what scientists use to find out? Uncover the mystery today!
Bend your Brain
Bend your brain around these math puzzlers!
Connected World
Discover what it means to live in today’s connected world with Habitat Earth, an award-winning HD film, released by the California Academy of Science, that takes viewers on a journey through the vast networks of life on Earth.
Wildflower Walk
Wildflower Walk Here is an art lesson on wildflower scientific drawing from Kelli O’Brien of Sonora Elementary School
This Earth Day directed draw from Art Hub For Kids makes a sweet icon badge for Earth fans
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Speech & Language
Verb tenses: Can you change the following sentence into past tense. ‘I’m planting a tree.’
Additional lessons are available for this grade level by pressing “More Lessons” above, or selecting a lesson below:

Year in Review
Today's ActivitiesThe events you are living through today will be part of history tomorrow. Stories people write about parts of their lives can be used by people in the future to learn about the past. Learn more with this BrainPOP Jr. video. What will your future...

Fail Forward
Today's ActivitiesDiscuss this picture with an adult at home. What do you think it means? Why do you think the illustrator chose an iceberg to represent success? Lookup any of the words under the water, labeled “What People Don’t See,” that you don’t know in a...

Field Day!
Today's ActivitiesWatch “Miss Nelson Has a Field Day” and fill out this story map to describe the plot elements.First, draw a large chalk 10 by 10 grid on the blacktop or sidewalk. Mark the numbers 1 through 10 along the top and down the left side. Get beanbags (or...