Today’s Activities
Prior to reading “The Veldt” think about or discuss these questions with a friend or family member.
- What might happen if rooms could become environments sensitive to the thoughts and feelings of their human occupants?
- What is your perspective of the viewpoint held by some parents that “nothing’s too good for our children”?
Now, Read “The Veldt” by Ray Bradbury
The Veldt Audio reading.
After reading, make a copy of this response form and complete the questions. Be sure to discuss this story with someone. It’s too good to keep to yourself!
Watch this book about little red and the dangers of technology (in the cyber world).
Complete this worksheet solving problems involving percent error. Solve each problem. Round to the nearest hundredth of a percent if needed.
“The Veldt” was published in 1950 and was considered Science Fiction. Many of the new technologies we have today were not even imagined 70 years ago.
Take a look at this article about “16 Futuristic STEM Jobs.” Perhaps your future job does not even exist today. Write down at least 3 professions or inventions that do not exist today but may exist in the next 30 years.
Look on this page, share the jobs that are in the tech field, pick 1-2 that your student wants to hear more about.
During a career that spanned seventy-plus years, Ray Bradburry wrote more than 400 short stories and nearly fifty books across a variety of genres. He also penned numerous poems, essays, plays, operas, teleplays, and screenplays, making him one of the most productive and admired writers of our time, as well as one of the most widely translated in the world.
Visit this site and learn more about the life and work of Ray Bradburry.
Get Creative
*Teachers: preview this movie prior to showing it to your students. You decide if it is appropriate.
After you read the story, watch this video from The Ray Bradbury Theater. How closely does this movie follow the written story?
Then Design a book jacket for “The Veldt”. Remember to include:
- A clear title and author name
- A graphic design that reflects the books themes
- A summary of the plot without giving away the ending
- A review (opinion) about the book
Make a cover for a story about technology. What would your technology be (a robot, a computer, a fancy phone?)
get moving!
Join the Les Mills, BORN TO MOVE classes at Leisure World Colchester.
*BORN TO MOVE is a fitness class for young people. Inspiring a love of movement in the next generation. Try this free BORN TO MOVE taster class for 8-12 year olds. Class lasts 20 minutes
First, have your child do some warm up stretches: 10-15 arm circles (front and backwards), 15 jumping jacks, running in place for 30 seconds, 10 leg squats, 10 push ups and sit ups then go to GoNoodle and have your child pick a couple of PE/Dance videos.
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