Today’s Activities
Watch and write
Watch this video series about how computers work. Then, write about what you already knew and what you’ve learned.
Code breaker
Use your code-breaking skills to solve these addition problems.
Have you ever wondered how the barcode numbers on things you buy are created? Try this trick to be able to figure out any barcode’s last number, simply using your math facts!
One type of math-code is coordinate graphing. Use your coordinate graphing skills to answer these questions. (The answer key is included so you can check your work.)
Visit this site to try out as many Hour of Code tutorials as you’d like!
Try this site to learn more about computers without needing a computer. Here’s one activity you might like, “…the Parity Magic trick. You can read up how to do it, and make up a set of cards (they just need to have each side with a different marking; for example, you could cut up a cereal box into squares, with one side plain and the other with markings on it), then make sure you practice it on your own. Once you’ve got good at putting down the cards and spotting the incorrect one, try it out on someone else. Not only is it an impressive trick, but you’ve delved into a fundamental idea that underlies all the data that’s stored and transmitted between computers.”
“Loops” are repeated actions within a code. Did you know you use loops anytime you dance in a repeatable way? Watch this video on loops. Then, create your own dance using repeated actions or use the example in video and then build on it. Try to teach it to someone. Finally, try this super-fun dance (or any from and, while you’re dancing along, see how many loops you can identify.
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Year in Review
Today's ActivitiesThe events you are living through today will be part of history tomorrow. Stories people write about parts of their lives can be used by people in the future to learn about the past. Learn more with this BrainPOP Jr. video. What will your future...

Fail Forward
Today's ActivitiesDiscuss this picture with an adult at home. What do you think it means? Why do you think the illustrator chose an iceberg to represent success? Lookup any of the words under the water, labeled “What People Don’t See,” that you don’t know in a...

Field Day!
Today's ActivitiesWatch “Miss Nelson Has a Field Day” and fill out this story map to describe the plot elements.First, draw a large chalk 10 by 10 grid on the blacktop or sidewalk. Mark the numbers 1 through 10 along the top and down the left side. Get beanbags (or...