Today’s Activities
First, think about what the word “character” means to you. Take any piece of paper you have and write down whatever idea you have about the word’s meaning. You can even change your answer as you watch the video.
Then, on that same piece of paper, write down who your heroes are.
Save this piece of paper for after you watch the video below. There will be another short exercise for you to do.
Second, watch this video about character from Steve Hartman (and his kids).
Third, in the last part of the video, Steve asks you to call or write one (or more) of today’s heroes—they might be the doctors and nurses who are taking care of Coronavirus victims in our hospitals. They might be the first responders. They might be the people who work in our grocery stores and pharmacies. Whoever they are, take a few moments and reach out to them to thank them.
Graph some fruit, or another topic of your choice, in this lesson from Ms. Betz of the Chinese Camp Science Academy.
Get Moving!
Can you complete some at-home fitness testing? Use these videos to challenge yourself.
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Year in Review
Today's ActivitiesThe events you are living through today will be part of history tomorrow. Stories people write about parts of their lives can be used by people in the future to learn about the past. Learn more with this BrainPOP Jr. video. What will your future...

Fail Forward
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Field Day!
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