Today’s Activities
Life cycles - Butterflies
Go to the Scholastic link look for Day 13. Watch the read and sing video called “Waiting for Wings”. Then, read “Butterflies” by Martha Rostad. You may want to download the emergent reader, “Life Cycle of a Butterfly” so you can practice your awesome reading skills!
Waiting for Wings Parents, pause each ‘page’ of the song/book and have your child look for these sight words: for, the, to Butterflies Parents, on each page, have your child look for these sight words: as, are, they, a, the, it.
Waiting for Wings Parents, pause each ‘page’ of the song/book and have your child look for these sight words: for, the, to Did you hear the rhyming words? Use the Rhyme Time worksheet to see if you can match the rhyming words. Butterflies Parents, on each page, have your child look for these sight words: as, are, they, a, the, it.
Label a Diagram
Draw a picture of a butterfly. Then, write words to label its parts. Label: head, body, wings, legs, antennae.
Use this worksheet to color a butterfly and talk about the different parts.
Use this worksheet to cut and paste the parts of the butterfly. Then color it!
Non-Standard Units
Using this Butterfly worksheet, practice measuring with non-standard units.
Life Cycle of a Butterfly
Watch this short National Geographic video to watch the life cycle of a butterfly, then draw a diagram to show the life cycle of a butterfly. Here is a life cycle cut and paste printable to make at home.
Use this coloring sheet to color the life cycle of a butterfly.
Use this worksheet to cut and paste the life cycle of a butterfly.
Act-It-Out! The Four Stages of a Butterfly’s Metamorphosis
First, the caterpillar starts out as a teeny tiny egg. (Curl up into a little ball.)
Then, it comes out as a wriggly caterpillar. It eats and eats and eats! (Stretch out slowly and move around on your belly. Pretend to munch on leaves.)
Next, its skin hardens into a chrysalis (pronounced kris-uh-lis). (Stand very stiff and straight. Wrap your arms around your body.)
Finally, the butterfly comes out of the chrysalis. It has beautiful wings! It can fly away. (Spread your arms as “wings” and “fly” around the room.)
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In-Hand Resources
Butterflies In Hand Packet
Teaching Tips
Accessibility Feature
Turning on transcripts for YouTube Videos [PDF]
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