Today’s Activities
Watch & Write
Watch the clip of Malala Yousafzai’s Nobel Peace Prize acceptance speech:
Write a journal reflection on the following questions: Can young people create change in the world? What is an issue you see that young people can help solve?
Complete this word search about Changemakers and think about what each term means to you.
Watch this book about doing things differently, and how it’s ok to be the change.
If you have access to a protractor, download the first worksheet for practice drawing angles. For a challenge, download the second worksheet to practice working with integers.
Play a counting game with a parent or friend. Take turns counting to 50 by 2’s, 3’s, 4’s, and 5’s. See how quickly you can complete it together.
Play a game of Tenzi, Yahtzee. or this dice game. Practice number ID, counting, talking about what is higher or lower.
What Matters to You?
Create a poster to educate other people about the issue you wrote about in your journal reflection.
Make your own puzzle, draw your favorite superhero, or yourself as a superhero. Cut out your puzzle and put it together.
Stand Up!
First, have your child do some warm-up stretches: 10-15 arm circles (front and backward), 15 jumping jacks, running in place for 30 seconds, 10 leg squats, 10 push-ups, and sit-ups then go to GoNoodle and have your child pick a couple of PE/Dance videos.
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End of Year Reflection: Hopes & Dreams
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