Today’s Activities
August 18, 2020 marks the hundredth anniversary of women’s right to vote when the 19th amendment was formally added to the United States Constitution.
The 19th Amendment reads “The right of citizens of the United States to vote shall not be denied or abridged by the United States or by any State on account of sex.”
Use this link to learn how the centennial anniversary will be celebrated across the United States.
And this video from the History Channel, Women Vote after the 19th Amendment Passed.
Watch this video, and write down 5 facts you learned about women fighting for the right to vote. Why is voting important? What age do you have to be now to vote in the US? Do you plan to vote when you are able? Why or why not?
The ratification of the 19th amendment was a long and arduous process. Read about how women in American history fought for its inclusion in the constitution.
The Woman Suffrage Movement – The Most Significant Achievement of Women in the Progressive Era
Choose one of the pioneers who fought for women’s rights and write a brief biography of her involvement.
Turning Point – Suffragist Memorial: Click on Education, then Suffragist Spotlight
History – Abigail Adams urges husband to “remember the ladies”
It took 144 years from the time Abigail Adams wrote her husband who would become the second president of the United States, to include women’s right to vote in the Constitution.
In a quick write: explain why you think it took so long for women to have the basic right of being able to vote.
72 years after Abigail Adams wrote her husband, the first women’s rights convention was held at Seneca Falls, New York. Read about it at this link.
Briefly describe the goals and purposes of the convention as articulated by Elizabeth Cady Stanton.
The suffragist movement was closely aligned with the abolitionist movement against slavery. What common values did the two movements share?
It took another 72 years for ratification of the 19th amendment to occur shortly after the end of World War I. Why do you think the amendment was finally added to the constitution?
In 1923, two women, Alice Paul and Crystal Eastman, who had been active suffragists, felt that women were still not protected equally under the law and introduced the Equal Rights Amendment:
“Section 1: Equality of rights under the law shall not be denied or abridged by the United States or by any State on account of sex. … Equality of rights under the law shall not be denied or abridged by the United States or by any State on account of sex.”
To learn more about the history of the Equal Rights Amendment visit:
Time – Virginia Just Became the 38th State to Pass the Equal Rights Amendment.
Do you think this amendment is necessary? Why or why not. Write a short persuasive essay stating your opinion.
Article V of the United States Constitution describes how amendments can be added. After passage in Congress, 38 states must ratify the proposed amendment.
The amendment was re-introduced in 1972 with the ratification of the 38 states needed by 1982.
In January 2020, Virginia became the 38th state to ratify the ERA. A joint resolution was passed by the House of Representatives to remove the original deadline and clear the way for the ERA to become the 28th amendment to the Constitution.
Do you support that resolution? Why or why not?
In 2020, women increasingly hold positions of power and influence around the world. Read about some of these world leaders here.
The World’s 100 Most Powerful Women
Select one of the women listed and research more about her influence.
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