Today’s Activities
Pull the lever on the story generator. Create a narrative with the elements you land on.
Dictate your story to an adult helper who can type it for you. Use the story map if needed. Be sure to include a beginning, middle, and end!
Choose a grade level LOWER than your actual grade. Talk to an adult helper about your story. Helpers can use a story frame to give support. Tell your story to an adult who can type it for you.
Talking Math: Day 1
Estimate the height of one column in this picture in meters. What is that height in centimeters? What is that height in kilometers?(5.MD.A.1)
Draw your own picture of a palace with some of the same shapes and objects in the picture. Find collections of objects to count. Describe how you counted them to someone.
Read along: Dinner at the Panda Palace – Where do you see math in the story?
To learn more about the palace in the picture, you can check it out here.
Leveled Learning Extension: Practice drawing shapes of your own. Use the side of a book as a ruler if you need a straight edge. You can draw a triangle, square, rectangle, or if you are feeling tricky even a hexagon or pentagon! For a circle, try tracing around the bottom of a cup. What other shapes can you make?
Leveled Learning Extension: Draw shapes on a paper for your child, or click on the attachment for an image of shapes. Point to and name each one. Then practice naming together. Then have your child name the shapes as you point.
Watch the video that explores the mystery “Is Earth the only planet with life?” Journal down your ideas when directed to do so.
Take a trip into the Six Kingdoms of Life.
Draw It!
Make a Perspective Drawing, with a road leading into the unknown.
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Speech & Language
Speech and language: Focus on complex sentences: As you are journaling about life on other planets, use these sentence frames to create SUPER SENTENCES!
Additional lessons are available for this grade level by pressing “More Lessons” above, or selecting a lesson below:

Year in Review
Today's ActivitiesThe events you are living through today will be part of history tomorrow. Stories people write about parts of their lives can be used by people in the future to learn about the past. Learn more with this BrainPOP Jr. video. What will your future...

Fail Forward
Today's ActivitiesDiscuss this picture with an adult at home. What do you think it means? Why do you think the illustrator chose an iceberg to represent success? Lookup any of the words under the water, labeled “What People Don’t See,” that you don’t know in a...

Field Day!
Today's ActivitiesWatch “Miss Nelson Has a Field Day” and fill out this story map to describe the plot elements.First, draw a large chalk 10 by 10 grid on the blacktop or sidewalk. Mark the numbers 1 through 10 along the top and down the left side. Get beanbags (or...