Today’s Activities
Kenai Fjords National Park, Alaska
Rappel into a crevasse, kayak through icebergs, and watch a glacier recede. After virtually visiting each park, use this template to explain what you learned and write down some questions you may still have.
Complete this worksheet on linear equations and more visusal practice.
Glaciers require very specific climatic conditions. Spend 20-30 minutes on this website to learn more about the life of a glacier.
Explore the history of how the National Park Service came to be and how Presidents Lincoln, Grant, Roosevelt and Wilson helped protect areas like Yosemite and Yellowstone. Watch this 4 minute video titled “Here’s How the National Park Service Got Started,” from the History Channel.
1st time: Watch all the way through without stopping.
2nd time: Watch and pause, rewind and fast forward to gather information to complete this Video Review Question Sheet.
Get moving!
Try these mt. climber exercises. 5 sets of 30 seconds with 30 seconds of rest in between.
First, have your child do some warm up stretches: 10-15 arm circles (front and backwards), 15 jumping jacks, running in place for 30 seconds, 10 leg squats, 10 push ups and sit ups then go to GoNoodle and have your child pick a couple of PE/Dance videos.
Social Emotional
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Headed to High School
Today's ActivitiesHow Do You Feel About Starting High School? Nervous? Excited? Unsure? Write a short response to reflect on. Write about these: 3 Things you have heard about high school and are wondering if they are, in fact, true. 2 Goals or aspirations you have for...

Fail Forward
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The Present
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