Today’s Activities
How Do You Feel About Starting High School?
Nervous? Excited? Unsure? Write a short response to reflect on.
Thinking Ahead
Write about these:
- 3 Things you have heard about high school and are wondering if they are, in fact, true.
- 2 Goals or aspirations you have for yourself once you get to high school (one academic & one personal).
- 1 thing you are already doing to prepare yourself for high school
Exploring Your Future School
Step 1: Which high school will you be attending next year? (If your school is not listed here, do a google search.)
- Sonora High School
- Summerville High School
- Connections Visual & Performing Arts Academy
- Don Pedro High School
- Tioga High School
- Gold Rush Charter School High School
Step 2: School Website Scavenger Hunt Look around the school’s website and answer the following questions as best as you can. Start a document that you can record your answers to, you can copy and paste directly from the website.
- Find the Guidance section of the website. Does the website give any information for 8th graders (or incoming Freshmen)? Does the website give any advice for your Freshman year?
- What are the names of the guidance counselors at this school? Does the website give you any additional information about what these counselors offer students?
- Find A-G and Graduation requirements somewhere on the school’s website. Write/type 3 important things to know and remember based on what you read.
- Find the Clubs section. List 3 clubs in the box below. Highlight one club (or more!) that you think you might be interested in learning more about.
- Find the Athletics/Sports section. Click around to the various sports that are offered. List three sports below. Highlight one sport (or more!) that you might be interested in playing.
- Besides the core subjects (English, Math, Science, Social Studies, PE) what are some other classes offered at this school? Record three of them that look interesting to you on the record you started.
- Does your school have an Athlete’s Code of Conduct (or rules/requirements in order to participate in a sport)? If so, read through it and record at least 3 important points to know.
What additional questions do you have about high school?
- Ask your parents.
- Ask your current teacher.
- Ask a counselor at the school.
- Ask any trusted adult.
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Fail Forward
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The Present
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How much technology is too much?
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