Today’s Activities
Read and watch
Create a conversation between two fish in the ocean as they watch plastic float around them and fill their ocean. What are their opinions on the plastic and trash in their home? What do they remember about a cleaner and healthier time? What do they wish humans would do differently? Read this article for more information on how plastic in our oceans is affecting marine life.
Try this wordsearch.
Complete these fun activities from the story about Greta Thunberg and Earth.
Download this first worksheet to work with Angle Relationships With Intersecting Lines and Triangles. If you’d like a challenge, download this second worksheet to begin Working With Integers.
Use this worksheet to help you work on sorting recycles and shape ID with your student.
Make a recycling PSA to inform people on the proper way to recycle so we can help out our beautiful planet! Research what and how we should recycle through these websites. Then, create a PSA about the proper way to recycle. Your PSA can be a poster, PowerPoint/slides presentation, or video (try Flipgrid).
Visit this webpage, and write down and discuss with a friend or relative 3 facts about the Earth you learned.
Go outside. Find 2-3 plants, animals or insects. If you did not check out the seek app yesterday, you can do so. Spend time talking about what you found. Keep a plant/leaf you find for art today.
Get moving!
Did you know? According to the Environmental Protection Agency, cars, trucks, buses, and other fuel-powered vehicles are responsible for 28.5 percent of all greenhouse gas emissions in the United States. Spend at least 28.5 minutes today walking or riding your bike, scooter, or skateboard. Walk and ride more…drive less.
First, have your child do some warm up stretches: 10-15 arm circles (front and backwards), 15 jumping jacks, running in place for 30 seconds, 10 leg squats, 10 push ups and sit ups then go to GoNoodle and have your child pick a couple of PE/Dance videos.
There are so many reasons and ways to recycle and making art is one of them! Let’s do some “UPcycling” by sprucing up some trash and turning it into art! Create a 3-D sculpture of your favorite animal using recycled materials. Feel free to use a mixture of recycled materials and other materials, such as markers or paint. For an extra challenge, use ONLY recycled materials. Click on this link for inspiration and remember to make it your own!
Find a plant on your nature walk, and make an impression in your two ingredient clay. Here is a link to making clay at home! Once the impression has dried you can leave it, or paint it.
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