Today’s Activities
Rhyming time!
Talk about rhyming words with your child. Explain to them that a rhyme is made when two words sound similar like cat and hat. Listen to this reading of Frog on a Log. Ask your child to listen for rhyming words as they listen to the reading. Point them out to your child. After the video ask your child if they can think of any words that rhyme. You can prompt them by asking “Can you think of what rhymes with _____?” Be sure to give them clues if needed.
Frogs can jump and leap quite far while toads hop or crawl. Can you leap like a frog? How far can you leap? Use a tape measure to measure the distance from your child’s take off and landing spot.
Frog or Toad
Frog or Toad
Have you ever noticed that frogs and toads sit quietly and watch the world go by? I wonder why? Maybe they are just enjoying the day or maybe they are waiting for a tasty meal. Can you be still like a frog? Try this activity with your child or children see who can be as still like a frog the longest.
Get Moving!
Look at these instructions and Jump and leap like a frog, hop and crawl like a toad!
Can you think of other animals that hop or jump? Together with your child make a list and see how many animals you can think of that hop or jump. Check out this site to see the top 10 highest jumping animals.
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Silly Clowns
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