Today’s Activities
“The Signs of Spring” Watch this video of preschoolers just like you exploring nature for signs of spring! then go out and investigate around your home for signs of Spring!
Sensory Writing Tray
You can use a cookie sheet if you don’t have a container. Encourage the use of the dominant hand. You can use printable letters as a model or make your own on a sheet of paper.
Go on a scavenger hunt! Do not stop at 1 of each item, find as many as you can and count them.
Fun with Buttons
Work on grasping buttons with pincher grasp and putting on sticks.
Learn to Dance
Watch the video. Next time, practice just a few poses and stop the video after each pose to make sure your child are doing the positions correctly.
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Silly Clowns
Today's ActivitiesUse this template to create a silly clown face. Check out this fun science experiment using baking soda and vinegar. Your learners will have fun watching the balloon blow up with air. Did you do today's activities? Push the button below to let us...

Circus Sorting
Today's ActivitiesPrint both pages out and have your learner cut out the shapes on the first page. Then use the second page to sort between animals and people. Don't have access to print? That's okay, have your learner draw pictures and then make two piles of animals...

Circus Shapes
Today's ActivitiesUse circus stencils (make some from cardboard if you don't have any). Make shapes of clowns, horses, ringmasters, balloons, etc. Have your learner use the stencils to make pictures that they can tell you a story about!Cut 2 paper plates in half to...