Today’s Activities
read it! write it!
READ IT! Sylvia Earle is a scientist called an Oceanographer. Read about her job here!
WATCH IT! Is there an ocean animal you’re interested in? Choose one of these live cams at the Monterey Bay Aquarium and spend about 5 minutes watching what happens there.
WRITE IT! Now pick one of the animals you see on the live cam. Pretend you are an Ocean scientist. Observe: Take notes about what the animal is, what it’s doing, and what other animals it interacts with. Can you imagine being an animal in this habitat? Experiment with writing from the animal’s point of view.
Leveled learning activity: Instead of writing a paragraph about the animal you observed on the web cam, make a list of three observations you made while watching.
Read about Dr. Sylvia Earle using this adapted book.
Today we’re going to work on rounding numbers to the nearest 10 or 100. First, watch this video on how to round to the nearest 10 or 100. Then, play this racing game to practice rounding to the nearest 10.
Use this ocean-themed worksheet to practice adding numbers to TEN, then color the picture.
Expore It!
Have you ever wondered what it would be like to be an ocean scientist? Watch this video about a Marine Biologist to learn more! Then, check out this website that has tons of books, games, art projects and quizzes related to being a Marine Biologist.
Move It!
Practice some yoga under the sea!
Create IT!
Use these directions to create a Coral Reef Diorama!
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Speech & Language
Multiple meaning words: There is more than one definition of the word ‘spring’. Can you think of at least two different meanings of the word ‘spring’ using complete sentences.
Additional lessons are available for this grade level by pressing “More Lessons” above, or selecting a lesson below:

Year in Review
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Field Day!
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